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Tiny4412裸机程序之代码在DDR SDRAM中运行

2014年11月13日 裸机开发 ⁄ 共 8647字 ⁄ 字号 Tiny4412裸机程序之代码在DDR SDRAM中运行已关闭评论 ⁄ 阅读 5,461 次


Exynos4412中有两个独立的DRAM控制器,分别叫DMC0和DMC1。DMC0和DMC1分别支持最大1.5GB的DRAM,它们都支持DDR2/DDR3和LPDDR2等,512 Mb, 1 Gb, 2 Gb, 4 Gb and 8 Gbit的内存设备,支持16/32bit的位宽。DRAM0 对应的地址是0x4000_0000~0xAFFF_FFF共1.5GB,DRAM1 对应的地址是0xA000_000~0x0000_0000共1.5GB。




Tiny4412 DDR电路图

Tiny4412 DDR电路图

Tiny4412 DDR电路图

Tiny4412 DDR电路图

从上两图可以看出,这四片DDR 芯片被分成了两两一组,组成32位数据,四片都是挂接到DMC0处。

如何才能使用DRAM?对应Tiny4412而言,由于用到了DMC0,所有我们需要初始化DMC0和DDR3 DRAM芯片。


从这一节开始我们的程序结构发生了一些变化,前几个实验我们只生成一个文件,从这个实验开始我们生成两个文件,BL2.bin和main.bin,其中BL2.bin文件的链接地址是0x02023400;(使用的是位置无关码,程序可以在任意可用的内存中运行),main.bin 文件的链接地址是0x43E00000(使用的并不是位置无关码,所有程序必须位于该地址处才能正常运行)。需要在SD卡上烧写三部分程序,分别是:


2.BL2(我们自己编写源码,用mkbl2工具生成):板级初始化,并完成代码重定位到DDR SDRAM,完成跳转










注:看到这么多设置步骤,实在太繁琐了,我们参考u-boot for Tiny4412中的代码,搞明白它设置了哪些东西:

* (C) Copyright 2011 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
* See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
* project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <config.h>
#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>

#define MCLK_400
.globl mem_ctrl_asm_init

/* Async bridge configuration at CPU_core:
* 1: half_sync
* 0: full_sync */
ldr r0, =0x10010350
mov r1, #1
str r1, [r0]


ldr r0, =APB_DMC_0_BASE

ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
/*2. If on die termination is required, enable PhyControl1.term_write_en,

ldr r1, =0xE3854C03
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYZQCONTROL]
/*3. If ZQ calibration is required, disable PhyZQControl.
ctrl_zq_mode_noterm and enable PhyZQCon-trol.
ctrl_zq_start so that the PHY automatically calibrates
the I/Os to match the driving and termination impedance
by referencing resistor value of an external resistor
and updates the matched value during auto re-fresh cycles.*/

mov r2, #0x100000
1: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 1b
ldr r1, =0x7110100A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL0]
/*4. Set the PhyControl0.ctrl_start_point and PhyControl0.
ctrl_inc bit-fields to correct value according to clock frequency.
Set the PhyControl0.ctrl_dll_on bit-field to "1" to activate the PHY DLL.*/

ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
/*5. DQS Cleaning: set the PhyControl1.ctrl_shiftc and PhyControl1.
ctrl_offsetc bit-fields to the proper value according to clock frequency,
board delay and memory tDQSCK parameter.*/

ldr r1, =0x7110100B
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL0]
/*6. Set the PhyControl0.ctrl_start bit-field to "1".*/

ldr r1, =0x00000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL2]
/*DQS offset*/

ldr r1, =0x0FFF301A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_CONCONTROL]
/*7. Set the ConControl. At this moment,
an auto refresh counter should be off.*/

ldr r1, =0x00312640
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONTROL]
/*8. Set the MemControl. At this moment,
all power down modes and periodic ZQ(pzq_en) should be off.*/

ldr r1, =0x40e01323
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONFIG0]
ldr r1, =0x60e01323
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONFIG1]
/*9. Set the MemConfig0 register. If there are two external memory chips,
also set the MemConfig1 register.*/

ldr r1, =(0x80000000 | CONFIG_IV_SIZE)
str r1, [r0, #DMC_IVCONTROL]
/*Memory Channel Interleaving*/

ldr r1, =0xff000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PRECHCONFIG]
/*10. Set the PrechConfig and PwrdnConfig registers.*/

ldr r1, =0x000000BB
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGAREF] @TimingAref
ldr r1, =0x4046654f
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGROW] @TimingRow
ldr r1, =0x46400506
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGDATA] @TimingData
ldr r1, =0x52000a3c
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGPOWER] @TimingPower
/*11. Set the TimingAref, TimingRow, TimingData and
TimingPower registers according to memory AC parame-ters.*/

/* chip 0 */
ldr r1, =0x07000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
/*19. Issue a NOP command using the DirectCmd register to assert and to hold CKE to a logic high level.*/

mov r2, #0x100000
2: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 2b
/*20. Wait for tXPR(max(5nCK,tRFC(min)+10ns)) or set tXP to tXPR value before step 17. If the system set tXP to tXPR, then the system must set tXP to proper value before normal memory operation.*/

ldr r1, =0x00020000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00030000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00010002
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00000328
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
3: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 3b

ldr r1, =0x0a000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
/*26. Issues a ZQINIT commands using the DirectCmd register.*/

mov r2, #0x100000
4: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 4b
/*27. If there are two external memory chips, perform steps 19 ~ 26 procedures for chip1 memory device.*/
#if 1
/* chip 1 */
ldr r1, =0x07100000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
5: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 5b

ldr r1, =0x00120000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00130000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00110002
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00100328
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
6: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 6b

ldr r1, =0x0a100000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
7: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 7b

ldr r1, =0xe000008e
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]

mov r2, #0x100000
8: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 8b

ldr r0, =APB_DMC_1_BASE

ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]

ldr r1, =0xE3854C03
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYZQCONTROL]

mov r2, #0x100000
1: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 1b

ldr r1, =0xe000008e
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]

ldr r1, =0x71101008
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL0]
ldr r1, =0x7110100A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL0]

ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
ldr r1, =0x7110100B
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL0]

ldr r1, =0x00000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL2]

ldr r1, =0x0FFF301A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_CONCONTROL]
ldr r1, =0x00312640
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONTROL]

ldr r1, =0x40e01323 @Interleaved?
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONFIG0]
ldr r1, =0x60e01323
str r1, [r0, #DMC_MEMCONFIG1]

ldr r1, =(0x80000000 | CONFIG_IV_SIZE)

str r1, [r0, #DMC_IVCONTROL]

ldr r1, =0xff000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PRECHCONFIG]

ldr r1, =0x000000BB
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGAREF] @TimingAref

ldr r1, =0x4046654f
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGROW] @TimingRow
ldr r1, =0x46400506
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGDATA] @TimingData
ldr r1, =0x52000a3c
str r1, [r0, #DMC_TIMINGPOWER] @TimingPower

/* chip 0 */
ldr r1, =0x07000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
2: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 2b

ldr r1, =0x00020000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00030000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00010002
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00000328
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
3: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 3b

ldr r1, =0x0a000000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
4: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 4b

#if 1
/* chip 1 */
ldr r1, =0x07100000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
5: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 5b

ldr r1, =0x00120000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00130000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00110002
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]
ldr r1, =0x00100328
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
6: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 6b

ldr r1, =0x0a100000
str r1, [r0, #DMC_DIRECTCMD]

mov r2, #0x100000
7: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 7b

ldr r1, =0xe000008e
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]
ldr r1, =0xe0000086
str r1, [r0, #DMC_PHYCONTROL1]

mov r2, #0x100000
8: subs r2, r2, #1
bne 8b

ldr r0, =APB_DMC_0_BASE
ldr r1, =0x0FFF303A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_CONCONTROL]
/*28. Set the ConControl to turn on an auto refresh counter.*/

ldr r0, =APB_DMC_1_BASE
ldr r1, =0x0FFF303A
str r1, [r0, #DMC_CONCONTROL]
/*28. Set the ConControl to turn on an auto refresh counter.*/

mov pc, lr






sudo ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdb ../9_reload_ddr/BL2/make_bl2.bin ../9_reload_ddr/MAIN/main.bin













